
Melanie Ostell Literary is now closed to submissions for several months. Check in periodically to see when we’ll again be accepting submissions; and, if you’re keen to share your work, please do so here. Please do NOT email directly re queries.

Please don’t submit sample pages until the full mss is ready. Indeed, only send fiction that has had multiple drafts. Query Manager will walk you through what to send, but please ensure your submission also has your full name, email and phone number, bio with works published and writing experience, synopsis, draft number, word count and genre, and whether or not this is a multiple submission. And do refer to main page on what we’re looking for: NB: we are NOT looking for fantasy.

And before you press send, perhaps take a listen to this interview on The Garrett podcast, posted May 2022. It may be helpful.


If you wish to quote from the text of an author, please email all details for the permission to be approved and note that a charge may apply.